How Much Money Is Enough to Fund Your Vision?

A question that isn't addressed very often is: How much money is enough to fund your vision?

Many business owners I work with are passionate about making a difference and say that money isn’t a primary motivator. Oftentimes though, the reason they come to me for guidance is because money is a source of anxiety. They are frustrated because even when they have made more money, it’s still not enough.

An entrepreneurial myth is that if you make more money, everything will be good. Here’s the thing, making more and more money without a conscious purpose sets up an energy of lack and scarcity. If you don't know what the money's for, it's hard to know how much is enough. It sets you up for a never-ending search for more and that feeling of being on a hamster wheel of trying to make more money, only to find it’s still not enough.

We're conditioned by the media to seek MORE, whether or not MORE feeds our soul. More of what you don't truly want is what the Buddhists call "feeding the hungry ghost.” You can't ever get enough of what you don't truly want.

Before you can clarify how much money is enough to fund your vision, you have to have a vision that includes what I call a WiiFM Factor–a What’s in it For Me Factor. This is particularly important if you are someone who has a tendency to put other people’s needs and desires before your own. If there’s not a WiiFM Factor, if you don't include your own needs, dreams, and desires in your vision, it will perpetuate the cycle of “never enough.”

Increasing your revenue vs funding your vision are two very different things. Increasing your revenue doesn’t automatically mean you’ll have more money if you aren’t proactively and strategically managing profitability and cash flow. Without a conscious, positive purpose around your finances, it often leads to resistance to looking at your finances on both a personal and business level–a recipe for financial fog and even more anxiety.

The key to getting off the hamster wheel of making more and more money is having an inspiring vision that includes your dreams, needs and desires and the difference you’re here to make. It will give purpose to how you earn your money and inspire you to maximize your resources–time and money. The shift that I’ve seen with my clients is that when there is a WiiFM Factor, they want to get clear and proactive about their finances, rather than reactive. When there’s a WiiFM Factor, they want to get in the driver’s seat of your finances and use their money in ways that are aligned with their vision and values.

Having an inspiring vision, while embracing financial reality, will mobilize your energy in ways you simply can’t force. The combination of an inspiring vision and financial clarity can be the key that unlocks the door to your creativity and prosperity.

If you’re ready to get off the hamster wheel and get strategic about funding your vision, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session.