Bridge the Gap Between What and How

I love helping people connect the dots between their personal calling, business mission, and vision. Time and time again people have told me they didn't know what they wanted and then proceeded to tell me!

What I've noticed is that people often mistake not knowing HOW to manifest what they want for not knowing WHAT they want. It's very important to make a distinction between knowing WHAT you want and knowing HOW to make it happen. As long as you are stuck in "I don't know what I want" there is no forward impetus.

Tapping into the power of the creative process will help you build the bridge between WHAT you want and HOW to make it happen.

Change in any form is a creative process. The Law of Mind Action is the Universal Spiritual Law that governs the creative process. Understanding how the creative process works on a level of principle, as well as the disciplines and practices that support it, will help you build a successful business that makes a difference and supports your life — personally and financially.

According to the Law of Mind Action, you create your experiences as a result of your thinking. In short, what you focus on grows. The creative process works the same whether you’re focusing on your worst fears, deepest desires, or someone else's idea of what you should do.

We each have our own unique pipeline to that presence that is bigger than we are. Knowing what makes you happy isn’t about figuring it out. It’s about listening from within and noticing what you’re drawn to and what resonates. Your Spiritual path is as unique as your thumbprint. The more you listen, hear, trust, and act on your intuition, the easier it will become to say “yes” to what is in alignment and “no” to what isn’t. As you do so, you will feel a growing sense of happiness from the inside out.

When you align yourself with your deepest knowing, what you manifest will be in line with your authentic needs and desires. Becoming centered in what and who you are, what you value, and what you want, you will begin to experience a "can do" attitude that makes the result inevitable.

Science is catching up with Universal Spiritual principles. In his book, You Are the Placebo, Dr. Joe Dispenza’s research in quantum mechanics and neuroplasticity validates Universal Spiritual principles. He states that “There is scientific evidence that our bodies possess an innate intelligence, an invisible consciousness within each of us, that is the giver of life and that we are all ‘divine creators’.”

Dispenza goes on to say that “With persistence, conviction, and focus, the ability to manifest any potential future lies with the human mind and the mind of the infinite potentials in the quantum field. It is through our conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings that we create the blueprints that control our destiny. We can make a conscious decision to select an intentional future.”

According to both the Law of Mind Action and quantum mechanics, your thoughts and feelings are the blueprints that create your future, whether you're focusing on your fondest dreams or greatest fears. Your thinking affects every aspect of your life.

What are you focusing on?

© 2023 Linda Anderson Henry | Prosperity Circles