Prosperity Practice: Make Space for What You Want

You've probably heard the adage: ‘Nature abhors a vacuum.' Making space for what you want is a prosperity practice that is a great way to create more flow in your life. Clear out the clutter, let go of what no longer serves you, and get rid of what you don't want—to make room for what you do want.

Take inventory of your life, business, and finances — clothes in your closet, clutter in any form, stuff that no longer resonates with you. Throw things away, sell them, give them away. Review your commitments. Begin changing commitments that are no longer right for you.

When you begin moving those things out of your life that are not in alignment with who you are, your values, and your desires, you are making space for what you do want. The Universe will support you if you are willing to settle for what you have and will support you in stepping into what you truly want. When you say “NO” to what you DON’T want and focus on what you DO want, I think you'll be surprised at the good things that begin to happen in all aspects of your life. I’d love to hear about your experiences!

Take Action

1. Go through your house, garage, office, and closets. Give away, throw away, or sell things no longer useful to you.

2. List 3 things that are driving you crazy, identify the next baby step, and then take action – clear clutter, take care of unfinished business, and tie up loose ends!

3. Nature abhors a vacuum, so the next step is to get clear about what you DO want!

If you’re ready to get off the hamster wheel and get strategic about what you DO want and how much money is enough to fund your vision, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session with me.